Traversing through the turmoil

Traversing through the turmoil

Cigarette smokes in the cold air…
grey smoke complements the grey sky.
Smoky are the grim clouds here…
as the smoky silhouettes quietly slip by.
We breathe in the ashy air around…
smells of despair hovering in smokes-
And mixed with inebriated broken dreams,
wafts of heartbreak and broken hopes.
While the sombre lights silently stare,
somewhere into the abyss of glazed eyes.
Some glasses stained…simply laid bare,
ready to be filled with teary goodbyes.
Some move on like the hazy night…
some wallow in pain…some simply recoil.
Few are even experts in seeming alright,
while traversing alone through the turmoil.
The winter keeps the frozen hearts warm,
while Spring revolts to take rebirth.
Dare to stare into the eyes of a raging storm,
there are sparks of insanity mixed with mirth!

©Taruchaya 2023

Poster made with Canva